About Me

I am a web accessibility professional with 5 years of web development experience. I have a passion for making the web more inclusive for people with disabilities and I am certified in two International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) competencies: Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) and Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS).


  1. WTFocus


    WTFocus is a React app built using Gatsby that I built as a demo for a White Paper that’s being submitted to the ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium. The purpose of the app is to demonstrate to users the variety of options they have when creating focus indicator styles for their website. There is also an indicator that tells the user whether or not their currently applied styles are in violation of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Working Draft.

  2. Cross.Team Website


    The Cross.Team website was a project where we wanted to create a website with accessibility in mind from the very start. The project was a React app built using Gatsby with A Wordpress CMS for the backend. Gatsby uses GraphQL to query its data, so I was able to use a plugin to query for post data from our Wordpress page to populate our content.

  3. Figma Plugins

    I have been working on creating a suite of Figma plugins, starting with Tidy Components, a component organizer for cleaning up your Figma files with components and variants; and Tidy Ruler, a plugin that can wrap your layers in a ruler with pixel measurements. You can find them here:

    I’ve also contributed to the Figma Tokens plugin, adding a new feature.

  4. Critical Alphabet

    The Critical Alphabet is a Flutter mobile application that takes a set of words related to critical theory, diversity, and iclusion, and pairs them with a definition and thought provoking questions. The app is a digital version of a deck of cards created by Dr. Lesley-Ann Noel, which you can get here. This was a very fun and unique project because I didn’t know anything about Dart or Flutter before I started it. I began the project by learning and developing at the same time and in less than two weeks I was able to create a fully-functioning MVP. Now on the Apple AppStore and Google Play Store!



  • WCAG.2.0/2.1
  • WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
  • Deque axe Pro
  • WebAIM Wave
  • Assistive Technology testing on desktop & mobile
  • JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, TalkBack testing

Testing Tools

  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • react-testing-library

Design Tools

  • Sketch App
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop


  • Javascript / ES6 (Ecmascript 6)
  • ReactJS, Material-UI, Gatsby
  • Angular 9
  • Vue 3
  • Figma Plugin Development
  • Design Systems Development
  • Design Tokens API
  • Accessible Component Development
  • HTML / PUG


  • Express
  • GraphQL
  • SQL, mySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Go
  • Wordpress
  • Java
  • Python

Dev Tools

  • Git
  • Lighthouse
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Yarn

Work Experience

  1. Web Developer, Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA)


    Cross.Team Miami, FL

    Cross.Team is a selective group of senior product designers and developers focused on getting meaningful experiences with Accessibility in mind.

    Certified by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) as:

    Main responsibilities include:

    • Driving all Accessibility implementation and testing efforts internally and externally
    • Working closely with both designers to deliver progressive web applications in Javascript (ES6)
    • Implementing Responsive layouts using modern CSS practices
    • Building tech agnostic web-components for Design Systems
    • Establishing a strong knowledge of accessibility principles and WCAG guidelines
    • Implementing unit and integration tests, using tools like Jest and Cypress
  2. Student Intern

    NextStep New York, NY

    Working with NextStep was my senior capstone project for my Information Technology Major ay UNH, which comprised of working on a health and wellness app startup. My responsibilities included:

    • Keeping track of tasks in Jira
    • Developing in React & React Native
    • Designing and developing a React web portail for users without access to the mobile app
    • Setting up meetings and providing weekly progress reports
    • Creating a Figma prototype for potential app geared toward students K-12
  3. Web Developer

    Freelance Wordpress Real-Estate Site

    A freelance wordpress site that I created for the listing of a high-end condo. I was responsible for:

    • Organizing meetings and gathering requirements with the client
    • Building the website
    • Entering the content
    • Managing the website
  4. Lab Technician

    UNH Interoperability Laboratory Durham, NH

    The UNH Interoperability Laboratory (IOL) is a conformance testing lab. The consortium I worked in focused on the conformance of the precision time synchronization of audio being sent between ethernet switches. My responsibilities included:

    • Execution of test plans that are written in accordance with Avnu Alliance standards using Violett testing tool.
    • Focused testing on interoperability and synchronization of networked devices, enabled by gPTP – the generalized Precision Time Protocol standard.
    • Creation of test reports which include a compilation of the test results, data outputs and detailed error log.
    • Deliver and review test reports with clients.
    • Work side by side with clients during our company’s testing events, Plugfests (Plugfest is an event when multiple vendors come onsite to test their devices on our test beds and with the other vendors.)
    • Using JIRA log and investigate issues on our company’s proprietary java testing tool, Violett.
  5. Volunteer Work



    I am a member of the New Hampshire Down Syndrome Congress (NHDSA), a group very near and dear to my heart. The work I’ve done to help out my local Down Syndrome community includes:

    • Website design and development using Wordpress
    • Graphic design and branding material
    • Marketing materials for annual events
    • And lots of Buddy Walks!


  1. Top 5 Most Overlooked Accessibility Issues

    An article where I look at some of the most common accessibility issues plaguing the web today. I explain why they’re bad, who they affect, and how to resolve them.

  2. Accessibility in JavaScript Applications

    In this article I talk about my main takeaways from watching Marcy Sutton’s wonderful lecture on accessibility in JavaScript. I go over a number of things such as focus management, and accessibility testing and debugging.



  • English (native)
  • Portuguese (fluent)